Tuesday, December 3, 2019

December 2019

Upcoming Events:

  • December TBD: Advanced Band/Choir/Guitar Concert Tour
  • December 19th: School Assembly Performance for ALL Musicians
  • December 19th: Winter Concert for ALL Musicians
  • December 23rd-January 6th: Winter Break
  • January 10th & 11th: Cap Section Honor Band (Audition or Invitation required)
  • January 14th: Dos Coyotes Fundraiser Night
  • January 15th: IB Information Night for Band and Choir
  • January 23rd-25th: Honor Choir
  • January 28th: Disneyland Pre-Trip Meeting

Winter Concert - December 19th @ 7pm **REQUIRED** for all musicians

The Winter Concert is Thursday, December 19th. ALL Eich Music students are required to attend. We will be performing in the Eich Gym at 7:00pm. Musicians will need to arrive no later than 6:40pm. Doors to the Gym will open at 6:30pm. 
We will be wearing our Eich polo shirts. If you did not purchase an Eich Polo shirt, please wear a solid blue, white, or black shirt.
Admission to the concert is free and we will be accepting donations at the door. We will also be offering a limited number of reserved seats. An email with more info and the order form will be sent out next week. 

Who: All Eich Musicians
What: Winter Concert
Where: Eich Gym
Wear: Eich Polo shirts (or sold blue/white/black shirt), black pants/skirt, black shoes
When: Thursday, December 19th
  • 6:30pm Doors Open
  • 6:40pm All musicians arrive no later than
  • 7:00pm Concert Begins
Why: A performance celebrating our progress!

Polo Shirts and 2nd Order opportunity

All polo shirts have been handed out to students. 
If you have not paid for your polo please send in cash or check made out to "Eich Middle School" as soon as possible
Polo $20
Polo w/student name $25

If you did not place an order but would like a polo shirt, I will be placing a 2nd order soon. You can fill out the order form here:
Orders will close Friday, December 6th

**I cannot guarantee that shirts will arrive in time for the Winter Concert. We will continue to wear these polos for all performances**

**If you are performing in Disneyland you must have an Eich polo!**

Fundraising Updates

Thank you to everyone who supported our two dining out nights by eating in, taking out, and sharing our social media posts! 
We raised:
Panera = $202
Rubio's = $187

Our next Fundraiser Night is coming up on Tuesday, January 14th at Dos Coyotes!

Woodbridge Giving Tree - Sponsor a child

This year Ecih Teachers along with their first period classes have each chosen a child to sponsor for the holiday season. If you would like to donate an item for our child, please send it in by Wednesday, December 11th
Here are the details for our child:
6 yr female. 
Shoe Size: 2
Shirt & Pant Size: 7/8
Wants: "JoJo" SIWA bows, favorite color pink and blue
Needs: socks or underwear

Performance Tour - Advanced Band, Choir, Guitar POSTPONED

We are working on scheduling a performance at the District Office. The date is currently being worked out. I will update you when we have details finalized.

Disneyland Payment Reminders - Advanced/Intermediate Band, Choir

You should have a minimum of $300 paid towards your trip. Payments can be sent in anytime. :)

Upcoming Payment Due Dates:
January 20th - $100 due (Total paid $400)
February 20th  - $100 due Final Due date (Total paid $500)

Disneyland Pre-Trip Meeting - Tuesday, January 28th

There will be a mandatory meeting for the Disneyland trip at 6:45pm in the music room on Tuesday, January 28th. All students attending the trip must attend with a parent/guardian. We will review the final details and schedule of the trip as well as go over behavior expectations. 
Students and a parent/guardian will sign a behavior contract at the meeting. 

Honor Choir - Applications due Thursday

Honor choir is a chance to rehearse and perform with the top singers across the Sacramento region. If you would like to participate, please fill out the contract and return with $35 participation fee by this Thursday. 
Honor Choir Contract