Spring Performance Calendar
The spring is usually a very busy performance time for us. This year we have a couple of events on the calendar and a few more that I am tentatively working on. I am hoping that we will continue to be allowed to return to more of our "regular" activities.
Scheduled Events
IB Information Night
Tuesday, January 25th, 6-8pm Eich Music Room: Per 1 Advanced Band and Per 4 Choir only
Spring Concert
Thursday, May 19th, 6-8pm Eich: All Yearlong Classes
**Date and time subject to change based on current COVID guidelines
Potential Events
Oakmont Collaboration Concert
TBD: Bands and Choir
Eich Music Night with the Rivercats
TBD April or May, Rivercats Stadium, ???
Cap Section Honor Choir
TBD March or April, Sacramento State: Select Choir Students
Cap Section Honor Band
TBD May, Roseville Areas High School, Select Band Students
Spring Trip: Six Flags
TBD: All Yearlong Classes (Band, Choir, Guitar)
**Subject to District Guidelines and Approvals
Class Materials
Reeds for Clarinet, Saxophone, Oboe, Bassoon
The instruments listed above require reeds to play. I have exhausted my school supply and am asking families to please supply their musician with reeds. Reeds can be purchased from any of our local music stores or many online retailers. Musicians should have at least 2 working reeds at all times. When you purchase reeds you need to specify the instrument and the size/strength of reed.
ie. Eb Alto Saxophone, Size 3
Clarinets and Saxophones: Size 3
Oboe/Bassoon: Medium Soft
Recommended Brands: Rico, Vandoren
Sheet Protectors
The best way to keep our music organized and safe is with a binder and sheet protectors. Most students, especially in choir, are running low on the sheet protectors. Please check with your musician to see if they need more.
The mid-trimester progress reports will be out next week, January 14th. Since we had the concert in December we don't have any summative grades at this time. Your musicians will be getting the two learning behavior grades.
Just before winter break our musician masks were delivered. We will begin using these in all band classes. The masks are specially designed to be worn while playing an instrument. They have an overlapping design that allows a musician to "open" the center of the mask and place their instrument mouthpiece on their face. When the mouthpiece if removed, the flaps closed back up. This eliminates the need to pull masks down while playing and provides more consistent coverage.
The district is providing ONE mask per musician. If you lose your mask, you are responsible for replacing it. Musicians will not be allowed to play without an approved musician. mask.
Here is the link to the mask we will be using. Any mask with a similar structure will be an acceptable replacement.
Our procedures are in line with the current CDPH Guidelines, section 16.
IB Information Night: January 25th, 6pm-8pm
Our IB Information Night is a chance for current 5th grade families and other potential future Eich families to visit our campus and see what we are all about. The Advanced Band and Yearlong Choir groups will be performing throughout the evening. Please add this performance date to your calendar. I will send out more details next week.
Cap Section Honor Choir and Honor Band
Honor groups are an opportunity for our top musicians to gather with other top musicians from around the Sacramento area, rehearse, and present a concert. These experiences are generally 1-2 days long with intense rehearsals and a culminating concert. This year both Honor Band and Honor Choir will be happening! Details are still limited but I can tell you that the dates are almost finalized and I will share as soon as I can.
I believe that this year participation will be based on director recommendations and not on student auditions. Musicians interested in participating will need to demonstrate excellent performance and rehearsal skills in the upcoming weeks.