Monday, November 13, 2023

November 2023

Upcoming Performances

Performance Calendar

December 10th: Centerpoint Church, 9:15am-10:30am All Guitar and Select Advanced Band

December 13th: Winter Concert @ Eich, 7:00pm EVERYONE

December 14th: School Assembly @ Eich, 7th period assembly, EVERYONE

Guitar @ Centerpoint Church: Sunday, December 10th  

Date: Sunday, December 10th 
Time: 9:15am-10:30am (Performance begins at 9:50am)
Location: Centerpoint Church, 515 Sunrise Avenue, Roseville, CA 95661 MAP
Attire: Holiday! Wear your ugly sweater, cute sweater, warm sweater. Add a Santa hat or elf ears. Bonus points if you decorate your instrument with ornaments and/or lights.

We have been asked to perform at a special event on Sunday, December 10th. The Centerpoint Church recently made a donation to help fund our campus Kindness Center. In return, Mr. Brown has asked that we perform a "Thank you" concert, along with the Ballroom Dance program. 
We will perform at the church from 10:00-10:30am, in between their regular services. After the performance, families are invited to stay for breakfast and snacks if you would like.   

This is an optional performance opportunity and a chance for us to make community connections. The more musicians we have, the better we sound! Please review the details below and then RSVP with either a "yes, no, or maybe."

Winter Concert: Wednesday, December 13th

Date: Wednesday, December 13th
Location: Eich Gym
Call Time for Musicians: 6:40pm in the music room
Concert Start Time: 7:00pm (Doors to the gym will open at 6:40pm)
Attire: "Holiday Best" or Disneyland All Black

On Wednesday, December 13th we will present our annual Winter Concert in the gym at Eich. The concert will begin at 7pm and will feature our Bands, Guitar Ensemble, and the Ballroom Dance program. The concert is free to attend so please invite all of your family and friends! 

All Band and and Guitar musicians are expected to attend the concert. We rehearse together every day and come to depend on the sound of every musician. It is very important that musicians have the opportunity to perform the same way we have been rehearsing. 
The event itself is not graded, however, students will be completing a summative reflection paper after the concert. 

I am asking students to wear their "holiday best" for the performance OR your Disneyland attire if you have it already. 
  • "Holiday Best" means collared shirt or blouse, slacks or skirts, and nice shoes. Any color is fine. Holiday themed sweaters are acceptable as long as they are school appropriate.
  • The Disneyland attire is all black: Slacks or ankle length skirt and a long-sleeve button up shirt with black shoes and socks (Disneyland will not accept jeans or leggings or open toed shoes)
The concert is free to attend but we will accept donations at the door and will offer the option to reserve seats for $10 each. This is optional. Order forms will be sent via email on Friday, December 1st. 

T-Shirt and Sweatshirt Order

T-shirts/Sweatshirts from our first order have been handed out to students. 
We had several people ask if they could still order items so I will open our online store back up for a 2nd round. The deadline to order will be Wednesday, November 22nd. This will be a credit card only ordering opportunity.  You should have an order link in your email by tomorrow. 

Trip Fundraisers

In the spring we will have two big trips. The Bands will be performing in Disneyland and the Guitar class will be performing at Six Flags. To help with the costs associated with the trips we will offer fundraisers throughout the year. Our first big fundraiser will be in January. Due to state and district guidelines, all fundraising profits will go toward the group's entire cost of the trip. We cannot raise funds for individual students. With this in mind, fundraisers will be optional but highly encouraged. The more money we raise, as a group, the more likely it is that all musicians will be able to attend and the better our performances will be.

Disneyland November Donation

If your band student is attending the Disneyland trip, we are asking that your first  $100 donation be turned in this week, by FridayNovember, 17th. All donations are credited to the individual student.
You may pay by cash or check. Credit cards will be accepted soon but we aren't quite ready yet. 
Checks may be made payable to "RCSD"
Cash should be in a n envelope with the student's name on the front. I will issue a receipt for all cash.