Monday, February 5, 2024

February Band Blog

 Performance Calendar





February 28th

Disney Rehearsal w/dinner

MANDATORY Parent Meeting



Music Room


March 3rd

Disney Benefit Concert


Centerpoint Church

March 6th

Advanced Band Concert w/Oakmont HS Band


Oakmont Theater

March 13th-16th

Disneyland Trip!

1:00pm Departure

5:00pm Arrival Home

So Cal

April 27th

Golden Empire Festival

Drumline @ Tommy Apolstolos Dinner



Sac State


May 9th

Spring Concert



May 30th

Promotion Ceremony 

(7th Grade Performance Only)


Eich Field

Performance Details

February 28th 

Disney Rehearsal (Musicians Only)

The purpose of this rehearsal is to combine both the Intermediate and Advanced Bands together for an intense rehearsal before our concerts begin. We will rehearse from 4:30-6:30pm. A pizza dinner will be provided at 6:30pm. 

MANDATORY Parent Meeting (Musicians and Parent/Guardian)

Parents will join us in the MPR at 7:00pm for our MANDATORY pre-trip meeting. Each musician attending the trip will need to attend this meeting with at least one parent/guardian. during the meeting we will go over the final itinerary for the trip and behavior expectations. Parent/Guardians will be signing the district permission slip, behavior contract, and medications form. If you have medications to check-in for the trip, you can also do that after the meeting (more info on medications below)

March 3rd Disney Benefit Concert

We are excited to announce that we are partnering with Centerpoint Church for a benefit concert on Sunday, March 3rd. This concert is an amazing opportunity for everyone involved!

The Band and Ballroom programs will be presenting our entire Disneyland performances. This gives us the chance to gain performance experience for a local audience before we travel to Southern California. 

Family and friends are invited to attend. If you are unable to to come to Disneyland, you will still have an opportunity to hear and see our performers. 

The Centerpoint community will be making a donation to our scholarship fund to help ensure that every dancer and musicians who wants to go, gets to attend the trip. 

March 6th Advanced Band Concert with Oakmont HS Band

Traditionally at this time of year we collaborate with the Oakmont Band to present a concert in their theater. This gives our middle school musicians a chance to make connections with the high school program and reconnect with former Eich musicians. I know the timing is very tight with the Disneyland trip, but I think this event is well worth the time and energy. 

April 27th Golden Empire Festival

The Golden Empire Festival is an opportunity for us to be judged and evaluated on a concert performance. We will travel to Sacramento State University to perform a short concert for several judges. They will critique us and give us a rating. Our goal is to earn a Superior! After our performance, one of the judges will come onstage and give our bands a clinic. I do not have the times for this event yet so I will update you at a later date. 

Medication Authorization Form - Disneyland Trip

All Parent/Guardian will need to complete the Medication Authorization Form. 

All medications, including over the counter medications such as Tylenol and antacids etc, must be approved by your child's primary care physician. 

All medications must be checked in with, and administered by, the trip leaders unless otherwise notated by your child's doctor. 

If your child WILL NOT be taking any medications then you will only need to complete the first two sections of page 2 and sign at the bottom. You do not require a doctor's signature.

If your child WILL be taking any type of medications you must take the entire packet to your child's physician for them to complete, sign, and validate. 
You will need to drop off your child'd medications at school according to the directions on page 1. You can drop off at the front office or directly to one of the trip leaders (Aldridge, Larsen, Peragine)
Trip leaders will administer the medications according to your Doctor's directions. 

Hard copies of the packet are available from your child's teacher or you can print your own copy

February Trip Donations

The next trip donation is due by February 20th. Donations are credited directly to your musician's trip account. 

If you have been planning on making one payment in full, please do so by this date. 

The link to the store for credit card payments is: 

You can view instructions for creating an account and making a payment Here

Performance Outfit

We will wear our ALL BLACK concert outfits for all of our remaining performances this year
Please have your musician's concert black outfit ready to go for our March 3rd concert. 

All musicians must have a "Disney approved" outfit to perform in. 
This includes:
  • Black slacks/dress pants - no jeans or leggings! An ankle length black skirt is also acceptable.
  • Black long sleeve, button up shirt
  • Black socks
  • Black closed toed shoes - no sneakers or sandals
  • I will provide the accessories (Bow tie and cummerbund)
If you need assistance purchasing any of these items, please reach out. 

Here are some examples:

Fundraisning Tool

For those of you looking for a fundraising opportunity, we have a tool that you can use to help offset the expenses of this trip.

This fundraising tool is for individual families to use if they choose. It is not a district or school sponsored fundraiser.

Here is how it works:

1. Print the "Fill the Calendar" fundraiser sheet
2. Share it with your family and friends in person, via email, or on social media.
3. Collect donations.** 
**Checks and mobile payments (e.g. Venmo) should be made payable directly to the family participating in the fundraiser, not EICH or RCSD.
4. Mark off the dates on your calendar as you collect donations. If you complete the entire calendar, you have the potential to raise $496.
5. Use the donations to cover the cost of the trip or expenses for food.

Here's how to advertise and share this tool:

(insert student’s name)  has an opportunity to perform with Eich Middle School Band at Disneyland this Spring. We are doing a personal fundraiser and hope to raise money for related fees, travel expenses, and other miscellaneous costs that come with this trip.  



1. Pick any date(s) on the calendar to sponsor (insert student’s name). Pay the amount of that date.

For example, if you pick the 5th, you pay $5. If you pick the 8th, it’s $8. And if you did both, it’s $13.

2. Pick as many dates as you like.

3. Pay through (insert payment options; Venmo, PayPal, Apple Pay, cash.  However you’d like to collect money.)

4. Please include (insert student’s name) and selected dates in your payment notes.

This is an amazing opportunity for (insert student’s name) and every donation helps!

Thank you for your support!

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