Disneyland Accounting
A couple of weeks ago I sent out email reminders to those families who still had a balance left on their musician's Disneyland trip. Friday will be the last day that we are able to collect money before we close out our financial books for the year. I will be on campus until 3pm each day this week and the office will be open as well. You can also use our online store:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Promotion Ceremony and Performance
The 7th graders will be performing in the Promotion Ceremony on Thursday morning, during the school day. Please wear nice clothes (does not have to be Disneyland/Forma black). You can also bring a change of clothes for after the ceremony
8th graders will join the band to play The Star Spangled Banner at the opening of the ceremony.
School owned instruments will be turned in after the Promotion Ceremony tomorrow morning.
Personal instruments should be taken home on Thursday. If you forget your instrument, I will be in the music room Friday for you to swing by and get it. After that, I won't be back until the fall.
Summer Band Camps
If you are looking for something fun and musical to do over the summer, check out all of the music camps happening in our area. I will be working at the Roseville Band Camp the week of June 10th. :)
Looking Ahead to 2024/25
I am already looking forward to another amazing year coming up and starting the planning process for some unforgettable performance experiences:
Performing the National Anthem at a major sporting event (Kings, Rivercats, or A's game)
Performance at the California Music Educator Association (CMEA) State Music Festival at Sonoma State University (by invitation only!).
Venmo Refunds
If you were in band last year and used our school Venmo link to make a digital payment for the spring trip or to reserved seats for the Spring Concert, you may have recently received a refund to your Venmo account. When our school site closed the Venmo account earlier this year, we did not realize there was still money being held in the account. Our only option was to refund.
Thank you
This has been an exceptionally successful year for our music program. The 8th grade class includes some of the most talented and dedicated musicians that I have the pleasure of working with in my 18 years of teaching. No matter what my mood I was in at 8am, by the end of 1st period I was always smiling and filled with love for my job.
Our 7th grade musicians are proving to live up to the high standards that have been set before them. Based on our performance at the Golden Empire Music Festival and our unanimous Superior scores, we have been invited to perform for the State Music Festival next April!
I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of the musicians and their families for how much you have done to support the music program. I keep every thank you note and personal letter that I receive and read through them regularly. Your thoughtful gifts and kind words mean so much.
You can't be teacher of the year without the students of the year!
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